Fun news! "The ACTS EP - Songs from the Musical" is out now on all your favorite streaming platforms. This recording has been three years in the making, as after several musicals written sporting simple demo recordings, I wanted to give a fiver of tracks from my next opus the works, recruiting some top talent and even learning to produce Broadway copyist caliber scores (right before Finale announced the software's swansong tho, ope!) Please visit the musical's web page under the musicals tab above for further details, thanks!
Welcome to R. D. Rhobajt's musical theatre, songwriting, music theory, fiction, music statistics, partisan divide bridging, guitar curriculum, blogging, and other exploits website.
Click menu tabs above for specifics, or click a link
below to skip straight to a featured feat:
An audio-reel with 20-second snippets of the songs from the musical "The Creek."
New musical for 2021! A Futuristic Brechtian Western
all gone wrong.
Youtube video about Billboard Hits researched and written for PBS.
"Another Cup of Tea." The single off of Rhobajt's first legit LP.
"Love is an Open Door" songwriter's lesson.
one of the Tonal Trends
"real-time" music vlogs.
"Guitarot" - comedy skit show combining tarot, guitar, improv, pop culture, & music theory
The Macro Statistical Analysis of Disney Songs you always wanted.
a comprehensive index of guitar curriculum based on karate leveling.
10-minute 1920s Avant Garde musical about a Refugee boat rescue
"I Am You".
A song about general connectivity and guitar overdubs.
A Tramblebury Poem about a sunray strobing through a ceiling fan.
Here's a short film Rhobajt's Jug Band made called "The Mystery of the Stolen Jug."
Here's a scene about "Sparks" from a kids' musical about "Sparks."