Welcome to the webpage for "ACTS the Musical," kind of this Life of Brian, Godspell, Hamlet thing I've been working on. Also, the ACTS EP is out now on all your favorite streaming platforms, featuring performances by Kyra Waters, Tristan J Shuler, Ethan Crystal, Jasmine Forsburg, and Kim Onah, produced and mixed by Jakob Reinhardt, mastered by Fabian Tormin. Keep on listening, the more spins this EP gets the more likely it is we'll be able to produce and release all songs from the musical!
Acts the Musical​
blessed are the silly - holy are the hurt​
Cast: 16 or more actors (3 F, 3 M, 10 E) split 21+ speaking roles - Performance Time: 2.5 hours.
SYNOPSIS - Hannah Iscariot, after witnessing the suicide of her zealot husband Judas, returns to the life of guerilla resistance practiced before their experiment following the Jewish peace prophet Jesus of Nazareth. Ten years later, after she encounters a sect of followers who have continued to practice the ways of their former rabbi, she must choose between her identity as a freedom fighter and reconnecting with the mysterious promise of everlasting peace and love offered again by a community she had once thought was lost forever.